Thursday, August 17, 2006

Our Family

We would like to introduce you to our girls, Abby is 3 1/2 and Emma will be 2 in the middle of October. To our mom's, they don't have any grandkids from us but they do have 2 beautiful grandkitties.

This is a typical Abby pose for the camera, chilling out and relaxing. Abby has taken on the role as queen with her sister and can usually be found in her bed watching over the house. You can score big brownie points by offering her treats when you go to the kitchen.

Emma, is our crazy cat who lives for attention. Her greatest attention getter is playing fetch with the rubber wrist bands (the livestrong kind). Emma's the cuddly one that loves when new people come to visit.

1 comment:

Trev and Rebekah said...

Hey there. I got your blog from Andrea's.
I love your cats. I wish I could have some of my own but my husband is allergic.