Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The First Two Weeks Of Life

Things are going well in the Lightfoot house hold. Raeya is training us on what she wants and when she wants it and as we get some of the ques right, she rewards us with sleeping longer. In the first week Raeya continued to loose weight, down to 7lbs 9oz but last friday we celebrated her reaching her birth weight yippee. The little chunker went from 7lbs 9oz to 8lbs 4oz in a week.
Here are some pictures of our past 2 weeks together.

So peacefull sleeping in her I love Daddy shirt, This is Aidan's favorite

Our second day at home and admiring our precious little gift.

Bath time...Raeya is incredibly strong and likes to stand on her legs if we give her the chance. Despite the look on her face, bathtime is one of her favorite times of the day.

Nothing like a good ol' head massage as Aidan gets her head dry before we bath her.

On December 1st we went to Vincent's baby shower. Raeya is 3 days older than Vincent. Unfortunately Raeya really didn't want her picture taken at this moment, she was an angel all day but was really hungry and didn't care for the photo opp. Vincent's mom Christine worked with Jeneah at Coast Mountain Sports in Langley.

Half an hour later she was fast asleep in her carseat. The touque was made for her by a family friend, Patty. I think it's adorable.

Emma, the furry baby, didn't want to be left out and is trying to figure out how she can still cuddle without stepping on Raeya.

Check out those bright eyes trying to figure out this new world.

We will update again with the many pictures we continue to take. Thank you for sharing in our new found love and we hope you enjoy the pictures.

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